Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Arrival in Nicaragua

Hola Amigas y Amigos!

After weeks of feeling great anxiety about how hot Nicaragua was going to be, I have been pleasantly surprised to discover that it is quite comfortable here right now. To be sure, I am still happy to indulge in a few nights of air conditioning at our Jinotepe hotel, but in general, the weather here has been beautiful thus far.

Upon arriving at the Managua airport, Deanna and I were first greeted by an old 'boss' of mine, Gonzalo Duarte, who I worked with back in Ontario for a summer. In one of those classic small world moments, I discovered last year that Gonzalo has moved to Nicaragua to further develop his non-profit organization, Companeros, and this is the organization that employs Goshen College's SST in-country coordinator, Dalena.

It was lovely to be greeted by a familiar face and we spent the night at his house and enjoyed a brief intro to Managua before traveling south to Jinotepe. We began our visit with the SST unit by attending their afternoon lecture on Nicaragua's relationship with its neighbouring countries. By far the highlight thus far was our evening last night when the whole group went to one of the students' host families for a surprise birthday party. Her host sister had organized a number of games including a fabulous pinata, a Spanish version of 'Fruit basket upset', pin the tale on Eeyore, and a particularly amusing dancing lime game! The whole evening was quite entertaining and the food was delicious. I am already enjoying the proclivity of tropical fruits.

Nicaragua is a beautiful country and I am looking forward to seeing more of it on Friday when we travel to Volcan Masaya for a field trip. I am afraid that I will not be able to post photos as I left my camera cord behind at home. Sorry!

Hasta luego.....

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