Monday, July 13, 2009

lap of luxury...take 2

hi again,

I just realized that I titled my last entry 'lap of luxury' and then proceeded to not write about that. After coming back to a $5 a night hostal here in Quito (which wasn't terrible....just frustrating at times - but with a lovely view from the rooftop terrace), my mother and I changed over to the local Radisson for one night. Hah! So it's been a bit of shameless luxury for the last day here. Obscenely expensive breakfast buffet, really fast internet, and over the top service at the door. I have to confess that I was loving the english movie options last night! Certainly not the way I like to travel usually, but for one night, it was fun.

Starting tonight though, I'll be returning to host family land. My mother and I will be staying with a German Mennonite family in Asuncion for our time at Mennonite World Conference. I'm starting to get excited about all the people I will get to see, and meet, at MWC. I'm expecting lots of surprises. After conference my mother, aunt, uncle and I will be visiting cousins who live in the Chaco region of Paraguay. This will be a fascinating visit as this family is from the Old Colony Mennonite tradition (although not all of them still belong to that church) and while I know a lot about this side of my family history in theory, I have very little experience with it myself. I'm looking forward to learning more about my family.


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